#Roberto #Rive, Fotografo a #Napoli, circa 1870 – No. 148 – #Capri da #Massa – Contorni di #Sorrento – #Massa #Lubrense con vista di #Capri

Robert Rive = Roberto Rive, Roberto Rive (circa 1825 Breslau Breslavia Wroclaw – 1889 Neapel Napoli Naples) - un fotografo francese trapiantato a Napoli - attivo negli anni 1860-1889, Roberto (Robert) Rive (1825 – 1889) – Fotograf in Neapel von 1860ern bis 1889, Italien – Kampanien – Neapel – Massa Lubrense = Massa = Massesi, Italien – Kampanien – Neapel – Massa Lubrense = Massa = Massesi – circa 14500 Einwohner zählende Gemeinde, Italien – Kampanien – Neapel – Massa Lubrense = Massa = Massesi – Massa lubrensa = Mansa publica (1306), Italien – Kampanien – Neapel – Massa Lubrense = Massa = Massesi – Etymology 1 Latin massa - Langobardian mansa publica „cultivated state-owned land = public domain“, Italien – Kampanien – Neapel – Massa Lubrense = Massa = Massesi – Virgin of the Lobra - Latin delubrum „temple shrine sancturary Schrein“ - Latin dēlu(ō) “to cleanse” +‎ -brum - Latin de- + lavō “I wash”, Mag. Ingrid Moschik (*1955 Villach - ) – Spurensicherung “IM NAMEN DER REPUBLIK” Österreich, Dr. Timm Starl (*1939 Wien - ) - österreichischer Kulturwissenschaftler Fotohistoriker Ausstellungskurator FOTOGESCHICHTE-Gründer

“No. 148. Capri da Massa.”

Sommer, Giorgio - Capri vom Festland aus (Zeno Fotografie)

Deutsch: Sommer, Giorgio: Capri vom Festland aus
Etwa 1865
Zeno.org, ID-Nummer 20001901621

(Capri, Sorrento, Napoli)
Massa Lubrense
80061 Massa Lubrense, Neapel, Italien


Massa Lubrense

ist eine Gemeinde mit 14.236 Einwohnern (Stand 31. Dezember 2016) in der Metropolitanstadt Neapel, Region Kampanien. Sie ist Teil der Bergkommune Comunità Montana Monti Lattari – Penisola Sorrentina.

Massa Lubrense BW 2013-05-14 18-50-35 DxO

Deutsch: Massa Lubrense
English: Massa Lubrense
Berthold Werner, 2013.

Sorrent ist der einzige Nachbarort von Massa Lubrense. Der Ort war bis zum Jahr 1818 Sitz eines Bistums.


Robert Rive

(Breslavia, 1825 circa – Napoli, 1868)

è stato un fotografo francese.

Rive, Roberto (18..-1889) - n. 140 - Sorrento - Ponte Filippetto

Italiano: Roberto Rive (18?-1889), „Sorrento – Ponte Filippetto“. Numero di catalogo: 140.
English: Roberto Rive (18?-1889), „Sorrento – Filippetto bridge“. Catalogue # 140.
Before 1889
G. dallorto


Di Robert Rive – che era nato in Prussia da padre francese e che in Italia cambiò il nome in Roberto – si possiedono scarsi elementi biografici. Risulta attivo a Napoli dal 1850.[1]

Nel suo atelier napoletano erano venduti anche vari album con fotografie, alcuni dei quali sono presenti oggi negli archivi storici della Fondazione Fotografia Modena. Tra questi album, quello intitolato Photographies d’Italie par R. Rive, Naples contiene 47 foto all’albumina di località italiane: Genova, Torino, Milano, Venezia, Taormina, Palermo. Un altro suo album contiene 49 fotografie, scattate a Napoli, sulla Costiera Amalfitana e Sorrentina, a Capri, a Pompei e a Roma.

Robert Rive riprese scorci animati e vedute di monumenti anche a Firenze, a Pisa, sul Lago di Como, a Siena, a Posillipo, a Ischia e a Messina (quindi, prima del devastante terremoto di Messina del 1908). Fissò la sua residenza a Napoli, dove ebbe lo studio a Palazzo Serracapriola e a Palazzo Lieti. Scattò numerose fotografie degli scavi di Pompei, di antiche sculture romane e anche dei primi calchi di vittime dell’eruzione del Vesuvio del ’79.[2] Nel 1867 partecipò all’Esposizione universale di Parigi. È stato uno dei primi fotografi a produrre vedute stereografiche, molto apprezzate come souvenir.
Su lui ha annotato Charles-Henri Favrod:[3]

«Dieci anni più tardi [nel 1862], a Napoli, Giorgio Sommer e Robert Rive cominciano il censimento sistematico dei monumenti e della vita quotidiana raccogliendo un insieme fantastico di informazioni sulla Campania e sulla Sicilia. È allora che si moltiplicano le immagini del Vesuvio e dell’Etna.»

Il suo stabilimento fotografico napoletano produceva foto in vari formati: grande, medio (mezzana), cabinet, stereoscopico e carte de visite. Uscirono anche eleganti album cartonati, con raccolte di sue foto: Souvenirs de Pompei con 39 foto, Napoli con 8 foto col panorama di Riviera di Chiaia; Pompei con 80 foto; Naples con 30 foto formato carte de visite. La ditta che portava il suo nome continuò a produrre anche dopo la sua morte.
1990, Fotografi a Pompei nell’800 dalle Collezioni del Museo Alinari, Firenze, Alinari[4]
2004, Il Mediterraneo dei fotografi, Roma, Senato della Repubblica[5]
2016-2017, Robert Rive. Photographies d’Italie, Modena, Foro Boario[6]


Robert Rive

was a 19th-century French photographer who was born in Wrocław but developed most of his work in Italy.

After several years working in this country he changed his name to Roberto Rive.

The main collections of his work are the photos from Pompei and Rome in the 1860s and 1870s.

Rive exhibited at the „10th Annual Exhibition of the Photographie“.


Robert Rive worked as a topographical and portrait photographer from the beginning of the 1860s until 1889 in Naples.[1]

In 1867, he took part at the Exposition Universelle of Paris.

His studio produced views and stereographs of many Italian cities. He took photographs of monuments of Naples, Pompei, Sorrento, Capri, Amalfi and monuments of Sicily. He also tooks photographs of cities as Florence, Pisa, Siena, Rome and Genova.

He held studios in Naples, Palazzo Serracapriola, Palazzo Lieti.[2]

„Giorgio Sommer and Robert Rive began a systematic census of the monuments and daily life, in an amazing collection that provided information on Campania and Sicily“ [3]

He also patented a photosensitive paper used in Southern Italy.


Roberto Rive

war ein etwa 1860 bis 1889 in Italien tätiger Fotograf wahrscheinlich britischer Herkunft.

Seine genauen Lebensdaten sind unbekannt.

Robert Rive arbeitete als Landschafts- und Porträtfotograf in Neapel[1].

Nach einigen Jahren italianisierte er seinen Vornamen.

Er nahm an der Weltausstellung Paris 1867 teil.

Sein Atelier produzierte topographische Serien über Neapel, Pompei, Sorrent, Capri, Amalfi, Sizilien aber auch über nord- und mittelitalienische Motive.


Catalogue of Roberto Rive’s pictures

(1 to 5000 and number missing)


Outline of the history of Massa Lubrense

Massa Lubrense was originally named after the mythical sirens who lived on these coasts. According to legend Ulysses was also a visitor to these shores and is said to have founded the famous temple of Athena. The first inhabitants of this area were probably two tribes of Italic origin:

the Ausonians and

the Oscans.

Evidence of the latter bas been found in rock inscriptions discovered a few years ago on the eastern side of Punta Campanella.

When the Greeks formed a colony here, the name of the temple (Athenaion) was used to describe the whole tip of this peninsula which conserved its marked Hellenistic character even during Roman times, when it was called

Promontorium Minervae,

a name appearing on the Tabula Peutingeriana (IV century) next to the first drawing of the temple.

It was only in the first century that Latin culture came to the fore with the arrival of eminent patricians who spent their holidays and free time here in luxurious villas of which we still have interesting remains. There were no inhabited centres of any importance and apart from the Roman villas there were just a few dwellings dotted here and there in the fields and inhabited by people who made a living from agriculture. During this period, veterans who bad been given land to cultivate by Augustus were also to be found in this area.

The Apostles may have brought Christianity to these regions, but it was very slow to replace the Pagan cults. The Middle Ages marked a long period of intense poverty for our inhabitants, reduced as they were to servitude and continually exposed to attacks from the Saracens. Meantime the first social classes were gradually forming, introducing new activities although agriculture remained dominant.

The first residential areas developed groups of houses which became hamlets (casali), and then villages, thus laying the foundations for the social and administrative organisation of the district today.

The name Massa first appears following the brief domination of the Longobards (VI century), but it did not completely affirm itself until later.

Most historians believe that Massa derives from mansa, a Longobard word indicating a place dedicated to cultivation.

The adjective publica (938) was added to the name Massa to mean state-owned land, public domain, in this case evidently belonging to the state of Sorrento.

Around 1306 publica was replaced by lubrensis (delubrum = temple, in reference to the cathedral to be found on the beach of Fontanella).

The municipality added both this adjective and an image of the Virgin of the Lobra to its coat of arms.

The name Massa without adjectives usually refers to the cathedral house, nowadays indicated as the centre of the town.

Massa Lubrense formed part of the Dukedom of Sorrento and its fortunes alternated until the arrival of the Normans. Its emancipation began under the Svevians, when it declared itself a civitas. In 1273 its citizens, who were mainly Ghibellines, suffered the reprisals of Carlo d’Angiò, who took the territory back under Sorrento’s jurisdiction.

A period of great confusion followed until 1465, when after a 2 year siege Ferrante d’Aragona destroyed the village of Annunziata, seat of the Bishop and the civil authorities and the only village with fortified walls and a defence tower.

Giovanna II of Durazzo stayed in the hamlet of Quarazzano in a magnificent mansion, in 1600 the Jesuit Vincenzo Maggio built on its remains the imposing Collegio (Quartiere) with its high defence tower (il Torrione), an important architectural example of fortifications and one of the town’s main monuments.

During the Spanish viceroyalty, Massa Lubrense underwent a period of political unrest in an era of civil and moral decadence made worse by the frequent invasions of Turkish pirates who in 1558 after horrendous massacres and pillaging took away about one thousand five hundred people as slaves, some of whom were then ransomed. The continual threat from the sea forced the people of Massa to build a series of watch towers along the coast, almost all of which are reasonably preserved and can still be seen today.
In 1656 the plague, which had broken out in Naples some years earlier, spread to this area causing many victims.

Eventually, during the domination of the Bourbons, even Massa began to feel the progress of the times, and new commercial and artisan activities began to emerge alongside the ancient peasant civilisation. Due to the poor communications by land, a substantial fleet of large ships sailed to the capital and to other Mediterranean ports exporting agricultural produce, livestock and artisan products and importing raw materials and consumer articles. Commerce with Naples was so intense that an entire district down at the quay side was named Porta di Massa.

The Massesi made a noble contribution of men and ideas to the Neapolitan Republic in 1799 and three townsmen, Luigi Bozzaotra, Severo Caputo and Nicola Pacifico were victims of the repression and subsequently executed.
In 1808 Gioacchino Murat directed military operations from Massa against the English who had occupied Capri. On the return of the Bourbons to the throne of Naples, there were numerous conspiracies of the Carbonaria up until the liberation of the Reign of the 2 Sicilies which was followed by the Unification of Italy.

From the end of 1800 until after the first World War the first mass emigrations took place, mainly towards the Americas and New Zealand; but after the second World War a significant number of townspeople also emigrated in search of work and better living conditions. In contrast, the numerous stone quarries (the most important being Marcigliano, Puolo and Ieranto, active from the 1920’s to 1968) attracted considerable numbers of Sardinian miners who had no difficulty in settling into the Massa society.

During the Second World War, many people were evacuated from the heavily bombarded Naples and came to stay here. Following the 1943 armistice, dozens of disbanded soldiers who had been employed in coastal defence at Tore and Reola, found refuge with families in Massa. Once the war ended, many of them stayed here, whilst others went back to their home towns taking their young brides with them. In 1944 groups of refugees from Cassino and Nettuno were taken in, and small groups of Irish and American soldiers came here to Massa and S. Agata on furlough.

Over the last few decades in spite of the crisis in this sector, agriculture has remained fairly prosperous, whilst thanks to the improvement and expansion of its services and facilities, domestic and international tourism has flourished.

Mag. Ingrid Moschik
Spurensicherung “IM NAMEN DER REPUBLIK” Österreich

Dieser Beitrag wurde unter "Alterspension über Dritte", "Arisierung 2.0", "Das Gewissen Österreichs", "Das System Österreich", "Der Tod des Rechtsstaates", "Digitale Agenda Austria", #Capri da #Massa 1870, #Massa #Lubrense con vista di #Capri 1870, 631 Alterspension im Auftrage von Kurz-Strache-Österreich 30000, 631 Alterspension im Auftrage von Kurz-Strache-Österreich 38000, 631 Alterspension im Auftrage von Kurz-Strache-Österreich 8000, 631 konzentrierte Pension 30000, 631 konzentrierte Pension 38000, 631 konzentrierte Pension 8000, 631 Krsienmodus 38000, 631 KURZ gesagt, 631 KURZ gesagt - NICHTS gesagt 38000, 631 KURZ Hirn Justiz 38000, 631 KURZ Hirn Politik 38000, 631 KURZ Hirnjustiz 38000, 631 Kurz Strache fascism 30000, 631 Kurz Strache fascism 38000, 631 Kurz Strache Nadelstreif Faschismus 38000, 631 Kurz Strache Nadelstreif fascism 38000, 631 KURZ-Faschismus 38000, 631 KURZ-fascism 38000, 631 KURZ-Hirn-Politik 38000, 631 Kurz-Strache-Faschismus 30000, 631 Kurz-Strache-Faschismus 38000, 631 Kurz-Strache-Pauperismus 30000, 631 Kurz-Strache-Pauperismus 38000, 631 KURZ‘ fascism 38000, 631 KURZfassung der österreichischen Verfassung 38000, 631 KURZhirnjustiz 38000, 631 KURZhirnpolitik 38000, 631 KURZhirnpopulismus 38000, 631 KURZhumor 38000, 631 KURZhumor = Alterspension über Dritte 38000, 631 KURZhumor = RAIFFEISENhumor 38000, 631 KURZhumor am Bezirkgericht Graz-Ost 38000, 631 KURZism 38000, 631 KURZisme 38000, 631 KURZismus 38000, 631 KURZlakonismus 38000, 631 KURZpension 38000, 631 KURZpension = Alterspension über Dritte 38000, 631 KURZpension = “Alterspension über Dritte” 38000, 631 KURZpension = Mafiapension 38000, 631 KURZpension = Mafiapension = keine Pension 38000, 631 KURZpension über Dritte 38000, 631 KURZpension im Auftrage von Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz 30000, 631 KURZpolitik 38000, 631 KURZpolitik = Alterspension über Dritte 38000, 631 KURZpolitik = keine Politik als Politik zu verkaufen 38000, 631 KURZPOLITIK = ORGANISIERTER PENSIONSRAUB 38000, 631 KURZpolitik am Bezirksgericht Graz-Ost 38000, 631 KURZpolitik ohne Verantwortung 38000, 631 KURZpopulismus 38000, 631 KURZPVA 38000, 631 KURZsparen 38000, 631 KURZsparen = für Betongold einsparen 38000, 631 KURZsparen = für Raiffeisen sparen 38000, 631 KURZsparen = Jugend einsparen 38000, 631 KURZsparen = Menschen einsparen 38000, 631 KURZsparen = Zukunft einsparen 38000, 631 KURZsparen = Zwölfstundentag 38000, 631 KURZsparpolitik 38000, 631 KURZverfassung 38000, 631 KZ-Humor am Bezirksgericht Graz-Ost 38000, 631 KZ-Pension 30000, 631 KZ-Pension 38000, 631 KZ-Pension 8000, 631 Mündelerlösung 38000, 631 Mündelerniedrigung 38000, 631 Mündelfabrik 38000, 631 Mündelfrage 38000, 631 Mündelfrage als neue Judenfrage 38000, 631 Mündelgeld 38000, 631 Mündelgeld als Eigenkapital von Raiffeisen 38000, 631 Mündelgeld-Kapitalismus 38000, 631 Mündelgericht Graz-Ost 38000, 631 Mündeljustiz 38000, 631 Mündelkonto 38000, 631 Mündelkunst 38000, 631 Mündelmafia 38000, 631 Mündelmissbrauch 38000, 631 Mündelplünderung 38000, 631 Mündelpolitik 38000, 631 Mündelporno 38000, 631 Mündelprekarisierung 38000, 631 MündelSchutzgesetz 38000, 631 Mündelsubmission 38000, 631 Mündeltheater 38000, 631 Mündelunterdrückung 38000, 631 Mündelunterwerfung 38000, 631 Mündelverachtung 38000, 631 Mündelvermögen 38000, 631 Mündelvermögensmafia 38000, 631 Mündelvernichtung 38000, 631 Menschen-Einspar-Ideologie 38000, 631 Menschen-Einspar-Justiz 38000, 631 Menschen-Einspar-Politik 38000, 631 Menschen-Einspar-Programm 38000, 631 Menschenrechte statt Rechte Menschen 38000, 631 Menschensparmaschine 38000, 631 Menschensparprogamm 38000, 631 minderwertige Menschen 38000, 631 Minderwertigkeitsschutzgesetz 38000, 631 misconduct behavior at county court Graz-East 38000, 631 Missbrauch der Jurisdiktionsnorm 38000, 631 Missbrauch von PVA-Geld 38000, 631 Missbrauch von PVA-Gelder 38000, 631 Missbrauch von Steuer-Geld 38000, 631 Missbrauch von Steuer-Gelder 38000, art, science and politics - Kunst, Wissenschaft und Politik, Contorni di #Sorrento 1870, Italien – Kampanien – Neapel – Massa Lubrense = Massa = Massesi, Italien – Kampanien – Neapel – Massa Lubrense = Massa = Massesi – circa 14500 Einwohner zählende Gemeinde, Italien – Kampanien – Neapel – Massa Lubrense = Massa = Massesi – Etymology 1 Latin massa - Langobardian mansa publica „cultivated state-owned land = public domain“, Italien – Kampanien – Neapel – Massa Lubrense = Massa = Massesi – Massa lubrensa = Mansa publica (1306), Italien – Kampanien – Neapel – Massa Lubrense = Massa = Massesi – Virgin of the Lobra - Latin delubrum „temple shrine sancturary Schrein“ - Latin dēlu(ō) “to cleanse” +‎ -brum - La, Massa 1870, Massa Lubrense 1870, Massesi 1870, Robert Rive = Roberto Rive, Roberto (Robert) Rive (1825 – 1889) – Fotograf in Neapel von 1860ern bis 1889, Roberto Rive (circa 1825 Breslau Breslavia Wroclaw – 1889 Neapel Napoli Naples) - un fotografo francese trapiantato a Napoli - attivo negli anni 1860-1889 abgelegt und mit , , , , , , , , , verschlagwortet. 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